Classes of Operators

Classes of Operators

  • An operator is a symbol or function denoting an operation.
  • Operators in programming work similar to the way they do in mathematics, for instance, + for adding two operands or - for subtracting two operands.

  • An operand refers to the object (e.g a number) of a mathematical operation.

A + B.png

In C programming there are 9 classes of operators divided as following:

i. Arithmetic Operators

  • These are used to perform mathematical calculations.
  • +, -, *, /, %

ii. Unary Operators

  • They are applied on a single operand.
  • -, + e.g. -1 (negative 1)
  • ++, --, sizeof (), (typecasting)

iii. Relational Operators

  • These are also known as decisional operators.
  • <, >, <=, >=

iv. Assignment Operators

  • Assigns operand from the right side of the operator to the operand on the left side.

  • =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

  • The expression a = a/5 can be written as a shortcut as a/=5.

v. Equality Operators

  • Checks whether two operands are equal or now.

  • ==, !=

vi. Logical Operators

  • Used to evaluate two or more conditions.

  • && (AND), || (OR)

vii. Conditional Operators

  • Also known as a ternary operators.

  • Used to make a decision based upon an expression.

  • They work similar to an if-else statement.

  • Uses symbols ? and :

  • Syntax:

Condition? True statement:false statement;

  • Sample code:
float money;
float cost;

money > cost? printf("You can afford it") : printf("Not Enough");

the other operators are the Bitwise Operator and Comma Operator but they are beyond the scope of this series